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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tips for Small Business Publicity

Small business publicity is much more important than most would think. In order to ensure a successful and profitable business, publicity must be taken into account. Most small businesses do not have the budget for publicity, but there are many free or inexpensive ways to get your business name out there.

Take Advantage of Local Media

Most local media resources can be a large help in small business publicity. At no cost, most local newspapers and television stations would be willing to help out a small business because it promotes community relations. It’s not uncommon for a press release written by the owner of the small business to be sent to a local paper. The small business is the heart of every town, and most communities recognize this concept.

Utilize Technology

In the age of technology, free small business publicity is completely possible. Social networking sites and online publications are important factors in getting the name of the business out there. These forums provide an arena for the owners, employees, and customers to interact on the same level. Blogs and websites, for nominal fees, can allow for online menus. Contact information, biographical information and special offers can be displayed for customers to find. The internet is more accessible now for discounts and coupons than even paper clippings as most potential customers are internet savvy.

Get Involved in the Community

The best small business publicity has to come from community involvement. If your business supports the community, then the community will support your business. Sponsor baseball teams or high school events for very small fees. Your business name will be out there for all to see as sponsors end up on t-shirts and scoreboards and even in advertisements in yearbooks.

For food establishments, supplying good quality food for discounted fees will bring in more customers because of this community involvement. Volunteer your time or place of business for a community event if you have space available. Most importantly, never underestimate the power of word of mouth when it comes to small business publicity.

Make a Unique Name for Your Business

When it comes to small business publicity, having a unique image or style can be helpful. For example, if you have a small record store, you can host an annual “Dance-A-Thon” with a prize for the winning participant. When people come to sign up, they will have to come into your store and will browse. Many of these people will become customers because of the repetition of the event.

If you are a business that gives discounts for veterans, many will flock to your store because of the support that you are giving to the troops. Small business publicity can come from anything that sets you apart. If you are running a small business, you don’t want to just be another one in the crowd.

Small business publicity is perhaps one of the most important factors in the amount of success that a business attains. It is very possible to get a business’s name out there for free or for very nominal fees. It is always important to utilize community and technology to be successful.

And so, if you want to learn more about small business publicity secrets that gives you media exposure without spending a single dollar, take this chance to get FREE access to Kate Engler’s Free Publicity Secrets. You can get instant access to these secrets by clicking or visiting: http://www.thepublicityprincess.com.

Twelve Tips on Press Release Writing

Press release writing is essential to getting information about your business out to clients and potential clients. These press releases are positive advertisements for your products or to announce important changes in your business or business team. Length, wording and candor should be taken into account in press release writing in order to ensure effectiveness.
  1. Headlines should be simple and explanatory. They should catch the reader’s eyes and lure them into reading more.
  2. Subheadings are supplementary to the heading and they explain the headline further.
  3. The first sentence is the most important when press release writing. This is going to introduce the reader to your subject and either make them interested, or make them not care what has to be said.
  4. Is the information important that you are trying to convey to your clients? Is it something that everyone needs to know, or is it trivial? The most effective press releases give a piece of important information, or allows for a great offer to be projected.
  5. Use simple language when press release writing. If you try to write over the heads of your clientele, you risk alienation. Avoiding fancy phrases and keeping a simple and conversational tone is much more effective.
  6. Avoid clichéd phrases when press release writing. A great deal of credibility is lost when original thoughts are not conveyed.
  7. Contact information is very important to include when press release writing as it allows for the clientele to know that you are there to answer any questions that arise, especially if there are concerns with regards to the changing of an executive team member.
  8. Who, what, when, where, why and how are the most important questions to address right in the beginning of your press release. When press release writing, it is not important to leave the reader in suspense or to allow them to be surprised. Get the information out effectively.
  9. Keep the length of the release short and to the point. Most readers do not want to read through pages of information. If you give the main points, the clientele can decide whether or not they want to know more and utilize the contact information.
  10. Always deal with the facts when press release writing. If you include details that are not pertinent to the subject at hand, then the importance of the press release is compromised. State the specific event, product, or change and explain succinctly how it affects the company.
  11. Include company information in case a major media outlet chooses to publish your press release.
  12. End with ### as it is a standard in press release writing. Contact information is placed underneath this industry standard.
Press release writing can be done by any member of a business that understands the importance of clear and concise information. Originality and the conveyance of information are paramount when press release writing because it shows your clientele that your business cares about how they are perceived.

Now that you know, I’d like to show you more tips and techniques about press release writing just by simply getting FREE access to Kate Engler’s Free Publicity Secrets. You can get instant access to these secrets by clicking or visiting: http://www.thepublicityprincess.com.

Free Press Release Submission

Press release submissions do not have to be costly endeavors; in fact, there are many ways in which press releases can be submitted and distributed for free. Press release submissions can be done through the internet or through newspapers. More often than now, press release submissions do not have costs attributed to them.


Through countless websites, there are ways in order for press release submissions to be free for the writer. There are of course, very few sites in which you do not have to pay. Many not-for-profit companies and sites will distribute your article for free once it is submitted to their website. The most effective way of press release submission is to attach it to your own website, blog, or social networking platform. This will attain a higher visibility for your business interests.

There are many websites online that offer press release services, but most of these charge a great deal of money. Yes, they do offer a higher visibility rate, but not all businesses can afford to pay the exorbitant fees of these service providers. The most cost effective way of press release submission is through individual sites or through direct e-mail campaigns. They go directly to the consumers that you are targeting.

Local News Outlets

Journalists sometimes scour through press release submissions in order to find an interesting story. If the press release is written correctly with adequate information, they can be picked up by major news outlets. In small communities, businesses can submit their press releases to a local paper.

At this level of the process of press release submission, they are more likely to gain a higher level of readership if chosen. Local news outlets are the most effective for small businesses that rely on community support and are not necessarily looking to expand greatly.

Pitfalls of Free Press Release Submission

Free press release submissions do not always gain the visibility they deserve. Priority is often given to those businesses that shell out the most money. Exposure is a very large part of being able to gain a higher level of business, and local newspapers cannot always do a business justice.

Of course, those businesses that cannot afford to pay for press release submission service providers are those that cannot, as of yet, expand beyond their means. Most sites that will allow for the distribution of press releases ask that you register with their website which is not something that all businesses would like to do as it often leads to an inundation of spam e-mail.

Free press release submission is something that is attainable to all business types, but it is more apt to be used by those that are not searching for a high visibility. Those that have plans to expand are more likely to pay for services that allow for their press release submissions to be distributed to a high volume of readers. There is still hope out there for the small business though who just wants to be known.

And now that you have some idea, I’d like to give you more insights into how to properly execute a press release submission to ensure that your release will be able to get the word about your business out to your target market. Simply get FREE access to Kate Engler’s Free Publicity Secrets by clicking or visiting: http://www.thepublicityprincess.com.

How Press Release Marketing Works for Your Company

Can your company benefit from press release marketing? If your company has done anything of notable quality that you want to get out into the public, and you want to improve company image in the community or at large, then press releases are the way to go.  There are a few ways that you can make press release marketing work to your company’s advantage. It is also important to understand the most proper time to create a press release.

Free Publicity

Using press release marketing will not cost your company a dime because of the technology available to all businesses today. Press releases no longer have to be printed and sent out to clients and potential clients in order to garner business. Client’s today can carry the internet with them everywhere on smart phones, so press releases can be viewed anywhere.

Increases Positive Visibility on the Internet

In a great deal of cases, negative feedback seems to be thrust onto the top of the list when searching for products and services on many of the well known internet search engines. Perhaps these reviews are some of the very few disgruntled customers who know how to make their presence known. Through the implementation of press release marketing, you can highlight your company’s achievements by routinely creating positive press releases. The more positive news that your company puts out, the less credible the naysayers will seem, and be seen.

Positive Branding

The more that a consumer sees your company’s name, the more they will think about your company’s product or the service that you provide. Having a constant stream of press releases keeps your company at the front of the pack, and allows for new customers to hear about you and consequently recognize and associate your company name with that product or service.

Greater Degree of Credibility

Once again, through the use of press release marketing, your visibility on the internet will give you a higher degree of credibility in the business world. Visibility will allow you to become an expert in your industry which will allow for customers to believe that your products or services are the way to go.

Appropriate Timing of the Press Release

Press release marketing is a useful tool, but it not recommend for every announcement. There are many instances where the use of a press release is appropriate.
  • New product release
  • Sale or clearance event
  • New service added
  • Expansion of the executive team
  • Expansion of business
Do not use a press release to expose the inner workings of the company that should not be made public, or obscure business details irrelevant to the public.

Press release marketing is the best way to increase visibility in order to bring more customers, and keep loyal customers, to your business. The technological route is the best way to make announcements for your business and can positively affect your reputation. Press releases are your company’s best bet of cost effective marketing.

And now that you understand, I’d like to teach you more press release marketing approaches that will surely get you the free publicity that your business needs. Simply get FREE access to Kate Engler’s Free Publicity Secrets by clicking or visiting: http://www.thepublicityprincess.com.

Online Publicity Myths

There are many myths that surround online publicity that stem from a lack of education about the internet, and misconstrued opinions. Online publicity can be quite a good resource for all businesses. It is important to debunk the most widely held complaints in order to know how to best utilize online publicity.

It’s Too Expensive

There is a common held misconception that online publicity can be expensive, but this is not the case. Social networking sites and blogs are integral to online marketing techniques. These are free websites that cater to large amounts of people, who share information and ideas without inhibition. When looking to create a website, it should be known that it is very inexpensive to run and operate. There are multiple platforms that allow for sites to be run for very small fees every month.

People Aren’t Attracted to Simple Sites

Sometimes in the world of online publicity, the simplicity of a website can be more effective than the flash and glamour of most websites. People can appreciate a more streamlined approach to marketing. Less is more in a lot of cases. Keeping a website simple and to the point is what will lead a consumer to navigate and more efficiently. Being able to browse a simple site effectively is more important than seeing banners and ads, distracting from the original purpose.

It’s Easy to Market Online

Online publicity is not easy, especially when falling into aforementioned pitfalls such as a lack of education or not understanding the streamlined approach to websites. When enacting online publicity, you have to figure out how to best gain visibility. Press releases and the use of SEO keywords are good ways to increase the visibility of your website. Always give details of the services or products that you offer. This way you can differentiate your products and services from other purveyors.

E-Mail Marketing Doesn’t Work

Online publicity depends on direct marketing techniques. E-mail marketing is one of the best ways to market a product or service because it is going directly to the consumer. They will be able to access special deals and hear about new products. Having these direct e-mails sent out will give the best return as there is no money spent on sending out e-mails to many people. Direct e-mail marketing is one of the most cost effective ways of online publicity.

Don’t Believe Anything You Read

There are many websites that offer inaccurate perceptions of products and services. That is not something that can be avoided. In order to squash this, offer accurate product descriptions on your own website as well as satisfied customer testimonials. Testimonials are effective in online publicity because they give credibility to a product or service.

Online publicity is not always given the credit that it deserves because of the widely held misconceptions that abound. It is important to identify and debunk the myths because the internet is one of the greatest free and/or inexpensive resources available for all businesses today.

So now, if you would like to learn more about how to write online publicity stories that would surely grab the public’s attention, just get FREE access to Kate Engler’s Free Publicity Secrets. You can get instant access to these secrets by clicking or visiting: http://www.thepublicityprincess.com.

How to Format a Newspaper Press Release

When writing a newspaper press release, it is important to follow a stringent set of guidelines in order to increase the visibility of your business and product. It is important to discuss all of the aspects of your announcement succinctly and accurately in order to gain a higher chance of getting published. There are a few ways in which to gain the attention of a newspaper editor that will persuade them to publish your newspaper press release.

Have an eye catching headline.

When writing a newspaper press release, it is important to have an eye catching headline. Keep it short, between three and seven words, and follow up with a sub-head which will give a brief explanation of the headline. Your headline and sub-headline should entice the editor to want to read this newspaper press release further.

Keep the first sentence direct to the point.

The most important part of your newspaper press release, after the headline is the first sentence. The first sentence should be simple and to the point and should not pose any significant questions. This is an informative piece, so keep it professional and succinct.

The body of your newspaper press release should hit on all of the five W’s-Who, What, When, Where, and Why. 

The explanation of the five W’s can be summed up in one sentence. For example, “On March 31st, 2011, Kosta’s K. of Kosta’s Korner in Tewksbury, MA, will open its doors for the first time in fifteen years.” This hits on all of the five W’s in a brief way. When formatting the newspaper press release, remember how important it is to be concise.

Include some bits of business history.

Always comment on the history of business and why it is so important for a specific event or product to be coming around. Most people want to know why they should care about a specific business, so it is important to give a piece of history especially if this newspaper press release is being printed in the local paper.

Offer a story worth telling.

Is there anything that makes this story worth reading about? In the above example, a business is opening its doors for the first time in fifteen years. Was there any community involvement in the decision to reopen? Was this business important to the town in some major way? Is the owner going to contribute money to local charities? There has to be a point to every press release that will hit home for the readers and make them care about the business. Newspaper press releases are for the public at large to read and to understand.

Include contact information.

Contact information should appear at the top left of the page with the words press release placed two spaces down. Two spaces down from that, for immediate release should be printed. All newspaper press releases should have contact information so that the editor can get a hold of the writer or business owner.

When formatting a newspaper press release, clarity is important. Since many editors read countless press releases, it is paramount that all information is included, especially the five W’s, because you are more likely to get printed in a paper when all information is accounted for.

And now, I’d like to demonstrate how a newspaper press release can have a great positive impact on your business, just by getting FREE access to Kate Engler’s Free Publicity Secrets. You can get instant access to these secrets by clicking or visiting: http://www.thepublicityprincess.com.

How to Write a Media Release

It is important to know how to write media release in order for it to be published. One of the most important factors when learning how to write a media release is the understanding of what information is critical for the readers to know. From there, you will be able to format a media release effectively.

How to Begin
  • When writing a media release, it is important to flesh out a catchy and concise headline that will draw in the reader.
  • Overly analytical headlines are not so much important as well informed headlines that leave the reader wanting to know more. It can be vague, as long as it is followed by a sub headline that explains the headline succinctly.
  • Once you know how to write a media release in this manner, you will be able to write all kinds of press releases.
The Body of the Media Release
  • Many who know how to write a media release know that the body is one of the most important parts as it verifies the questions of who, what, where, when, and why.
  • Writers of the media release know that these questions must be fully answered before any credit can be given to the document itself. There is no reason for this release if only half the questions are answered, because only half the information is given. This should be your first paragraph and you will realize this as you delve further into the piece.
  • When learning how to write a media release, remember that the more apt you are to answer questions fully and briefly, the more successful it will be.
  • The body of the media release should also allow for history of the business or event to be examined as it will give more depth to the subject at hand. If the readers understand the subject more, they are more apt to care. This should be your second paragraph
  • An important tip to remember when writing is to avoid lofty language and cliché. Never try to elevate your own status as smarter or wittier than your readers. It will come off as rude and cold. You want your writing to be warm and inviting.
Overall Format
  • “For Immediate Release” should be written across the top of the document.
  • The title should be one line, in bold capital letters.
  • Write one page . . . no more, no less.
As you continue to learn more and more about how to write a media release, you will realize the importance of correct and accurate information as well as being concise. You only have a small amount of space in which to write the release, so you want to use that space wisely. There is no need to ramble on or use clichéd or lofty language to make your point because facts are the only thing that matters.

And now, I’d like to show you more tips on how to write media release that can truly attract attention, just get FREE access to Kate Engler’s Free Publicity Secrets. You can get instant access to these secrets by clicking or visiting: http://www.thepublicityprincess.com.