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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to Format a Newspaper Press Release

When writing a newspaper press release, it is important to follow a stringent set of guidelines in order to increase the visibility of your business and product. It is important to discuss all of the aspects of your announcement succinctly and accurately in order to gain a higher chance of getting published. There are a few ways in which to gain the attention of a newspaper editor that will persuade them to publish your newspaper press release.

Have an eye catching headline.

When writing a newspaper press release, it is important to have an eye catching headline. Keep it short, between three and seven words, and follow up with a sub-head which will give a brief explanation of the headline. Your headline and sub-headline should entice the editor to want to read this newspaper press release further.

Keep the first sentence direct to the point.

The most important part of your newspaper press release, after the headline is the first sentence. The first sentence should be simple and to the point and should not pose any significant questions. This is an informative piece, so keep it professional and succinct.

The body of your newspaper press release should hit on all of the five W’s-Who, What, When, Where, and Why. 

The explanation of the five W’s can be summed up in one sentence. For example, “On March 31st, 2011, Kosta’s K. of Kosta’s Korner in Tewksbury, MA, will open its doors for the first time in fifteen years.” This hits on all of the five W’s in a brief way. When formatting the newspaper press release, remember how important it is to be concise.

Include some bits of business history.

Always comment on the history of business and why it is so important for a specific event or product to be coming around. Most people want to know why they should care about a specific business, so it is important to give a piece of history especially if this newspaper press release is being printed in the local paper.

Offer a story worth telling.

Is there anything that makes this story worth reading about? In the above example, a business is opening its doors for the first time in fifteen years. Was there any community involvement in the decision to reopen? Was this business important to the town in some major way? Is the owner going to contribute money to local charities? There has to be a point to every press release that will hit home for the readers and make them care about the business. Newspaper press releases are for the public at large to read and to understand.

Include contact information.

Contact information should appear at the top left of the page with the words press release placed two spaces down. Two spaces down from that, for immediate release should be printed. All newspaper press releases should have contact information so that the editor can get a hold of the writer or business owner.

When formatting a newspaper press release, clarity is important. Since many editors read countless press releases, it is paramount that all information is included, especially the five W’s, because you are more likely to get printed in a paper when all information is accounted for.

And now, I’d like to demonstrate how a newspaper press release can have a great positive impact on your business, just by getting FREE access to Kate Engler’s Free Publicity Secrets. You can get instant access to these secrets by clicking or visiting: http://www.thepublicityprincess.com.