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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Where to Get Free Publicity for Your Businesses

Is there really such a thing as free publicity? The answer is yes. Many small businesses need to rely on free publicity in order to get their names out there. There is a great deal of resources out there that will allow for free publicity, especially in this technological age we live in.

  • Many people do not realize that newspaper articles are just one of the many ways for businesses to gain free publicity. Whether you write an article and submit it to a local paper, or contact the paper with an event you are having; these are just some ways to get your business free publicity in a widely read circulation. You don’t have to pay for an advertising spot in order to get your business into a newspaper.
  • You do have to know what is going to make your business newsworthy though. Always take into account any support that you are giving to the community, because local newspapers will support a business that cares about the community in which they operate.
  • Are you different from other businesses? Are you the oldest, the newest, the biggest business in a particular locality? Any aspect of your business that makes you unique can make for news worthy articles.
    Don’t be afraid to stand out in your commentary towards your business, but don’t be too confrontational either, because this can turn off potential customers.
  • The internet is one of the most cost effective tools for free publicity out there. Most of the world at this point understands how to use the internet, and most carry it around with the recent explosion of smart phones. With free Wi-Fi everywhere, it is easier than ever to have an internet connection without being connected to any wires.
  • Social networking sites should never be underestimated because of the visibility a business can attain by taking part. Some blogs and online publications are free to garner attention.
  • Blogs can be used as working websites for some businesses who don’t have the money to put into a full blown website.
  • Posting frequent and informative press releases constitutes free publicity and increase the visibility of a business.
Word of Mouth
  • Never underestimate the power of the word of mouth when thinking about free publicity. The better the service or product that you provide, the more people will talk about it.
  • People are more inclined to believe a satisfied customer than they are to believe the business that is trying to get their money, and for good reason.
  • Unsatisfied customers will only recommend against a business and that is not the kind of publicity that you want.
It is easier than ever to gain free publicity through new media outlets, as well as through some tried and tested methods like word of mouth. These days, no one has to spend a great deal of money in order to market their business. Small and large businesses alike can benefit from free publicity.

And, if you’d like to get additional free publicity ideas, I’d like to show you more by getting FREE access to Kate Engler’s Free Publicity Secrets. You can get instant access to these secrets by clicking or visiting: http://www.thepublicityprincess.com.